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Exercise 3

(LP 1)
BC 1.1

English/ solar system
Class/ Semester
X / 1
Standard Competence
1.      Understanding about solar system.
Basic competence
  1.  Understand that planetary images contain valuable information, but require interpretation, which is somewhat uncertain.
  2. Be able to recognize each planet or moon by its  unique and identifiable features. 
  3. Understand that scientists summarize findings to look for patterns in groups like planets and moons. 
  1. Each planet has unique and identifiable features. 
  2. Planets have some common features.
  3. Images can be used to study the planets and their features.
Text type
Text interpersonal
Speaking and writing
Time Alocation
2x 45 minutes

A.    Purpose
Introduce students to planetary research and familiarize them with the planets and their features.

B.     Materials
*      Computers wired for Internet access, with one computer for every two-three students.Student journals or notebook paper for each student. Student worksheets and questionnaires (provided in this lesson - printable as HTML or PDF formatted files). 

C.     Metode/ Teknik : Audio Visual Methode

D.    Steps  
  1. Assign students to their computer work stations. 
  2. Review proper computer use procedures. 
  3. Give students instructions for Part I - Observing Images. Remind them to follow directions and to record observations in their scientific journals. 
  4. Students concern to LCD
  5. Provide further instruction if necessary and answer any questions or concerns that arise. 
  6. Assign the sections of the site/lesson that the students are to cover during the allotted time period: 
    1. One class period: Students do Part I - Observing Images of the self-guided lesson.
    2. One class period: Students do Part II - The Researcher’s Description of the self-guided lesson. 
    3. One class period: Students do Part III - Summary of the self-guided lesson. 
Note: The Student Questionnaire and Answer Key may be used as an assessment at the end of the lesson.

E.     Resources
Use a large screen projection system for the computer, a large TV monitor, or books with large planetary images.

F.     Scores

a.       Technique  : writing test
b.      Procedure  : Introduce the concept of making and using a scientific journal. Stress the importance of careful observation and descriptive written notes (images of planets), during the lesson
c.       Type          : essay
d.      Curriculum coordinate      :
1.      Write a news article on a planet, the historical implications, and background of its discovery. 
2.      After researching and writing the article shorten it for presentation in a 30 second “TV” news broadcast to the class (visual aids optional).
3.      Students research examples of planetary imagery and its incorporation into famous works of art or expressions in cultural events. 

Siti Nurhasanah 200912500670
Shinta Sulistyorini 200912501211
Sugito Purnomo 200912500491
Andy Randy 200912500847
Ignolinsiasus Subiasy 200912500766

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How to Use Email

- How to use email -
1. The benefits of email
Email is/one of the most used n useful information n communication technology (ICT) tools around today. We use it in both personal n professional lives. Email allows us to keep in touch with other teachers around the world via mailing lists n discussion group. It also allows us to communicate with our learners outside d classroom, e.g: setting, receiving, making n returning homework n other written assignments.
One of the biggest advantages of using email with learners from teacher's point of view is that technology is relatively simple 2 use, n most of our learners will already be familiar with it.
2. Basic email skills
Learners need 2 be familiar not only with the mechanics of sending n receiving emails n attachments, but also with d kind of language used in email, netiquette/rules of engagement.
There are 2 groups of basic email skills:
2.1 communication skills
There are levels of formality in email writing. Here are some of the basics of netiquette:
-not using only capital letters, which is perceived as 'shouting' online
-being sure 2 respect others' opinion
-avoiding 'flaming' -ongoing arguments which become increasingly personalized n possibly public
-making sure that files sent as email attachments are not too large, as the person receiving the email may not be able to download them.
2.2 Technical skills
Here are the best known of web-based email services: yahoo!, hotmail, gmail.
Learners have to be able to send n receive email, n to attach n open documents in email. It also useful 4 learners 2 have basic ICT skills, such as knowledge about viruses sent by email, n spam or unsolicited junk email.
3. Using email with learners out of class
The ideas require learners 2 have their own email accounts, n access 2 a computer ouside class time, either at home or work, in a self-access center, or in an internet cafe.
-learners can submit classwork as attachments by email
-the teacher can email learners a summary of classwork
-the teacher can email learners regular newsletter about the class n themselves.
-learners can use email to prepare before class
-learners can use email to send queries about a topic or grammar area b4 the class
-a class mailing list can be set up for general discussions out of class time
-email can be used as a collaborative writing tools.
4. Using email with learners during class
A data collection project requires learners to send emails to real companies, individuals, or organizations or websites to solicit information.
5. Key pal project
Key pal is the term for pen pals who use email to communicate. Email provides a simple n effective way of putting learners in touch with other learners of the same age n level in other parts of the world.

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Titik P. and Mae (Group 1/Xa/R.5.2.3), Lecturer: Hermariyanti K., S.Pd


CALL (Computer Assisted Language Learning) adalah pemanfaatan komputer sebagai alat bantu belajar bahasa. Menurut Turner & Taylor (2000), CALL mempunyai dua kategori yang luas, CALL yang "tradisional'' dan CALL yang menggunakan sumber "generic (asli)". 

  • Call yang tradisional dikembangkan dari disain pembelajaran dan pelatihan berbasis komputer yang dikenal luas di luar pengajaran bahasa. Untuk menjalankan program ini, kita memerlukan sebuah komputer plus alat pengeras suara (speaker) dan CD-ROM untuk perangkat lunak audionya. Dalam kerangka yang disajikan oleh program pelatihan CALL AMES Victoria's Computer Literacy Centre (Corbel, 1998, yang dikutip di Turner & Taylor, 2000), CALL yang tradisional menawarkan perangkat lunak yang dibagi menjadi tiga kategori.
Kategori yang pertama adalah perangkat lunak dengan pendekatan pengajaran, dimana komputer dirancang untuk mengajarkan sesuatu. Dalam hal ini, pelajaran bahasa dilihat tidak hanya secara akumulatif, membangun dari hal paling kecil ke hal yang lebih besar tetapi juga secara kolektif dari sistem formal, tatabahasa, kosa kata, dan pengucapan kata-kata yang dapat dihadapkan dengan secara terpisah (Corbel, 1999). Pendekatan ini, bersandar pada konsistensi dan "kesabaran" komputer, pengulangan, penjelasan dan aktivitas siswa. Dengan kehadiran multimedia yang menyediakan fasilitas penyimpanan yang lebih besar pada CD-ROM, pelajar dapat menikmati interaksi dan tanggapan yang lebih canggih ketika membuka paket program seperti Click into English dan Planet English (Turner & Taylor, 2000). 

Kategori yang kedua adalah perangkat lunak dengan pendekatan penyelidikan (exploratory). Dimana kendali yang lebih besar berada di tangan pelajar. Dalam hal ini, belajar bahasa dilihat sebagai bagian kompleks yang saling berjalin dari sebuah sistem. Pelajaran bahasa diperlakukan sebagai sebuah proses penemuan atau penyelidikan sampai pembentukan melalui uji coba hipotesis yang dilakukan sendiri oleh siswa. Dengan kapasitas penyimpanan data yang sangat besar pada CD Rom, uji coba-uji coba yang dilakukan siswa dapat disimpan terlebih dahulu dan digunakan kembali sampai menemukan yang dimaksud.

Kategori yang yang ketiga adalah perangkat lunak untuk memanipulasi teks, yang terdiri dari unsur-unsur penelitian dan pendekatan lain yang lebih luas. Pendekatan ini melihat bahasa sebagai satuan sistem yang terintegrasi sedangkan komputer adalah sebagai alat. Corbel (1999) mengatakan bahwa pembelajaran dengan pendekatan ini didapat melalui praktek dan permainan dibandingkan instruksi melalui praktek dan latihan.

  • CALL yang kedua adalah menggunakan sumber "asli/generic", yang bergeser dari menggunakan program yang dirancang khusus untuk pengajaran bahasa menjadi penggunaan media komunikasi melalui komputer dengan tujuan pengajaran bahasa. Turner & Taylor (2000) membagi kategori ini ke dalam sumber daya yang menggunakan perkakas komputer yang asli (generic computer tools) dan yang menggunakan teknologi komputer yang asli (generic computer technology). Untuk penggunaan perkakas komputer ini, kita memerlukan suatu komputer dengan kemampuan CD-ROM untuk mengacu kepada encyclopedia yang tersedia.
Penggunaan dari perkakas komputer ini meliputi pengolah kata, database, dan informasi rujukan. Pengolah kata (word processor) pada umumnya tersedia pada perangkat lunak aplikasi seperti WordStar, Word Perfect dan Microsoft Word.

Kesemua piranti lunak ini dapat digunakan untuk meningkatkan ketrampilan siswa terutama sekali secara tertulis. Di samping itu, juga melatih para siswa untuk mempunyai ketrampilan komputer baku yang penting bagi pekerjaan seperti halnya menggunakan database yang sederhana. Menggunakan material rujukan seperti encyclopedia pada CD-ROM, pelajar juga dapat mempunyai ketrampilan mencari bahan pustaka, yang penting bagi studi mereka.

Penggunaan teknologi komputer yang asli dimudahkan dengan ketersediaan Internet. Untuk menjalankan teknologi ini, kita memerlukan sedikitnya suatu komputer dengan sebuah modem, yang dihubungkan ke jaringan telepon, dan speaker untuk perangkat lunak audio.

Karena Bahasa Inggris sebagai aktivitas Foreign Language (Bahasa Asing, EFL), Internet menawarkan secara minimal tiga pelayanan dasar, yakni: Email dan mailing list, newsgroup, dan World Wide Web (Carrier, 1997).

Belajar Bahasa Inggris melalui Internet mempunyai banyak keuntungan untuk para siswa. Di samping pelajaran yang dimediasi komputer sangat memotivasi siswa, Internet juga membuka peluang siswa ke arah riset dan menempatkan bahan-bahan asli tersebut untuk mengembangkan keterampilan membaca, mendengarkan, menulis seperti halnya memperkaya kosa kata mereka (Carrier, 1997).


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Exercise 1

(Computer Assisted Language Learning)
Exercise 1


Europe has four seasons, there are spring, summer, autumn, and winter. In Spring, it is warm and wet. Trees and flowers start to bloom. In Summer, it is hot and sunny. People usually go on holiday in this season. In Autumn, it is cold and foggy. Trees loose their leaves. In Winter, it is very cold and it snows. People have to wear thick clothes.

Different from Europe, most of tropical countries have two seasons only. Indonesia, for example, has two seasons; rainy or wet season, and dry season. In rainy season, it is cool and humid. It almost rains everyday. People have to bring umbrella and rain coat in this season. In dry season, it is hot and dusty. It is hard to find water in this season.

Answer the questions below!
  1. How many seasons are there in Europe? What are there?........
  2. What are the weather like in Autumn?.....................................
  3. What people usually do in Summer?........................................
  4. How many season are there in Indonesia? What are there?.....
  5. What people have to bring in Rainy season?...........................

Family Tree

Give a brief explaination of the family tree above

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Exercise 1


Europe has four season, there are spring, summer, autumn, and winter. In Spring, it is warm and wet. Trees and flowers start to bloom. In Summer, it is hot and sunny. People usually go on holiday in this season. In Autumn, it is cold and foggy. Trees loose their leaves. In Winter, it is very cold and it snows. People have to wear thick clothes.

Different from Europe, most of tropical countries have two seasons only. Indonesia, for example, has two seasons; rainy or wet season, and dry season. In rainy season, it is cool and humid. It almost rains everyday. People have to bring umbrella and rain coat in this season. In dry season, it is hot and dusty. It is hard to find water in this season.

Answer the questions below !
1.    How many seasons are there in Europe? What are there ?..................
2.    What are the weather like in Autumn ?...............
3.    What people usually do in summer ?..................
4.    How many seasons are there in Indonesia ? What are there ?............
5.    What people have to bring in rainy season ?....................

Family Tree


Give a brief explanation of the family tree above

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