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The History and development of Computer

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Development of Information-Communication Technology

  1. Early Communications

    • Early forms of communication included runners, homing pigeons and smoke signals. The rise of communication technology came to make communication faster, more accessible and more efficient.

    Printed Communication

    • Written communication thrived off of advancing technology, such as the invention of paper and the printing press. Ironically, continual advancement has lowered the need for printed publications, including newspapers and books.


    • The concept of television developed from the idea of being able to see a person while interacting with her on the phone. As of 2009, the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) hopes that one day television will become an interactive form of electronic communication.


    • The Internet blossomed out of a 1967 study of Advanced Research Projects Agency (ARPANET) conducted by the United States Department of Defense. Internet-based electronic communication includes email, instant messages and social networking websites.

    Wireless Communication

    • Radio technology is the basis of wireless communication. Wireless communication uses radio frequencies to function.


    • As communication technology evolved the need for regulation grew. Founded in 1934, the FCC regulates communication technology, including radio and television.
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First Task

Sunday, March 25th 2012
Theme: Vehicles/transportation

 Grade         : 4 (sem.2)
Name           :
Class            :

Our vehicle to school
My name is Ica. I have three best friends, they are Ella, Jamian and Bagus. We go to school every day. Me and Ella live far from school, I go to school by bus but Ella goes by her father motorcycle. Jamian and Bagus live near the school, Jamian goes to school by bicycle and Bagus goes on foot.
 I.             Answer these questions:

1.     Where Ica and her friends go every day?
2.    Why Ica must go to school by bus?
3.    Who is go to school by motorcycle?
4.    Who is go to school by bicycle?
5.    Why Bagus must go to school on foot?

II.          Read and cross the right answer.

1.     I am a large vehicle that travels on rails and a conductor operates me.                          What am I? ..........

a.    A bus                                            c. A car
b.    A ship                                           d. A train

2.    I am a large vehicle that travels on water and a captain drives me from port to port. What am I? ..........

a.    A bus                                            c. A train
b.    A ship                                           d. A car

3.    I am a smaller vehicle. I travel on streets and four people can comfortably ride in me. What am I? ..........

a.    A bus                                            c. A plane
b.    A boat                                           d. A car

4.    I can carry a lot of people to various destinations and I fly through the air, using wings, at very high speeds. What am I? ..........

a.    A trailer                                       c. A bus
b.    A boat                                           d. An airplane

5.    I am larger than most cars. I can comfortably sit two people in the front and I can carry some larger things in the back. What am I? ..........

a.    A boat                                           c. A ship
b.    A bus                                            d. A truck

6.    I am larger than a car and I have a lot of seats for people to sit on. I make many stops throughout each day as I pick up people who are patiently waiting at specific stops. What am I? ..........

a.    A bus                                            c. An airplane
b.    A boat                                           d. A train

7.    I am a smaller vehicle that picks up people. I'm usually found in larger cities and you can see my sign on my roof. I'm also called a cab. What am I? ........

a.    A trailer                                       c. A boat
b.    A taxi                                           d. A train

8.    I am not motorized and people power me with their feet by pedaling. I have two wheels and children love me. What am I? ..........

a.    A bus                                            c. A bicycle
b.    A boat                                           d. A taxi

9.    I also have two wheels but I am a motorized vehicle. I am usually faster than a car but people who ride me are not protected by any outer shell.          What am I? ..........

a.    A bus                                            c. A ship
b.    A motorcycle                                 d. A car

10. I am a very large and motorized vehicle. I help farmers on large plots of land. What am I? ..........

a.    A tractor                                               c. A bicycle
b.    A motorcycle                                 d. A taxi



Choose and write the right answer.




1.     A school......................... is big and yellow
2.    One or two pilots operate a...........................
3. a long vehicle and travels on rails.
4.    Children love riding a...................... to visit some friends.
5.    You only see a........................... on the water.

---- good luck---

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CALL (computer assisted language learning)

Author: Graham Davies
A definition of CALL
Computer Assisted Language Learning (CALL) is often perceived, somewhat narrowly, as an approach to language teaching and learning in which the computer is used as an aid to the presentation, reinforcement and assessment of material to be learned, usually including a substantial interactive element. Levy (1997:1) defines CALL more succinctly and more broadly as "the search for and study of applications of the computer in language teaching and learning". Levy's definition is in line with the view held by the majority of modern CALL practitioners. For a comprehensive overview of CALL see ICT4LT Module 1.4, Introduction to Computer Assisted Language Learning(CALL):

A brief history of CALL
CALL's origins can be traced back to the 1960s. Up until the late 1970s CALL projects were confined mainly to universities, where computer programs were developed on large mainframe computers. The PLATO project, initiated at the University of Illinois in 1960, is an important landmark in the early development of CALL (Marty 1981). In the late 1970s, the arrival of the personal computer (PC) brought computing within the range of a wider audience, resulting in a boom in the development of CALL programs and a flurry of publications. Early CALL favored an approach that drew heavily on practices associated with programmed instruction. This was reflected in the term Computer Assisted Language Instruction (CALI), which originated in the USA and was in common use until the early 1980s, when CALL became the dominant term. There was initially a lack of imagination and skill on the part of programmers, a situation that was rectified to a considerable extent by the publication of an influential seminal work by Higgins & Johns (1984), which contained numerous examples of alternative approaches to CALL. Throughout the 1980s CALL widened its scope, embracing the communicative approach and a range of new technologies. CALL has now established itself as an important area of research in higher education: see the joint EUROCALL/CALICO/IALLT Research Policy Statement: /research/research_policy.htm. See also the History of CALL website:

Traditional CALL
Traditional CALL programs presented a stimulus to which the learner had to provide a response. In early CALL programs the stimulus was in the form of text presented on screen, and the only way in which the learner could respond was by entering an answer at the keyboard. Some programs were very imaginative in the way text was presented, making use of colour to highlight grammatical features (e.g. gender in French and case endings in German) and movement to illustrate points of syntax (e.g. position of adjectives in French and subordinate clause word order in German). Discrete error analysis and feedback were a common feature of traditional CALL, and the more sophisticated programs would attempt to analyse the learner's response, pinpoint errors, and branch to help and remedial activities. A typical example of this approach is the CLEF package for learners of French, which was developed in the late 1970s and early 1980s by a consortium of Canadian universities. A Windows version of CLEF has recently been released: Error analysis in CALL is, however, a matter of controversy. Practitioners who come into CALL via the disciplines of computational linguistics, e.g. Natural Language Processing (NLP) and Human Language Technologies (HLT), tend to be more optimistic about the potential of error analysis by computer than those who come into CALL via language teaching: see ICT4LT Module 3.5, Human Language Technologies: The approach adopted by the authors of CLEF was to anticipate common errors and build in appropriate feedback. An alternative approach is the use of Artificial Intelligence (AI) techniques to parse the learner's response - so-called "intelligent CALL" (ICALL) - but there is a gulf between those who favour the use of AI to develop CALL programs (Matthews 1994) and, at the other extreme, those who perceive this approach as a threat to humanity (Last 1989:153).

Explorative CALL
More recent approaches to CALL have favoured a learner-centred, explorative approach rather than a teacher-centred, drill-based approach to CALL. The explorative approach is characterised by the use of concordance programs in the languages classroom - an approach described as Data-Driven Learning (DLL) by Tim Johns (Johns & King 1991). There are a number of concordance programs on the market, e.g. MonoConc, Concordance,Wordsmith and SCP - all of which are described in ICT4LT Module 2.4, Using concordance programs in the modern foreign languages classroom: See also Tribble & Jones (1990). The explorative approach is widely used today, including the use of Web concordancers and other Web-based CALL activities.

Multimedia CALL
Early personal computers were incapable of presenting authentic recordings of the human voice and easily recognizable images, but this limitation was overcome by combining a personal computer and a 12-inch videodisc player, which made it possible to combine sound, photographic-quality still images and video recordings in imaginative presentations - in essence the earliest manifestation of multimedia CALL. The result was the development ofinteractive videodiscs for language learners such as Montevidisco (Schneider & Bennion 1984), Expodisc (Davies 1991), and A la rencontre de Philippe (Fuerstenberg 1993), all of which were designed as simulations in which the learner played a key role.
The techniques learned in the 1980s by the developers of interactive videodiscs were adapted for the multimedia personal computers (MPCs), which incorporated CD-ROM drives and were in widespread use by the early 1990s. The MPC is now the standard form of personal computer. CD-ROMs were used in the 1980s initially to store large quantities of text and later to store sound, still images and video. By the mid-1990s a wide range of multimedia CD-ROMs for language learners was available, including imaginative simulations such as the Who is Oscar Lake? series: The quality of video recordings offered by CD-ROM technology, however, was slow to catch up with that offered by the earlier interactive videodiscs. The Digital Video Disc (DVD) offers much higher quality video recordings, e.g. the Eurotalk Advanced Level DVD-ROM series: A feature of many multimedia CALL programs is the role-play activity, in which the learner can record his/her own voice and play it back as part of a continuous dialogue with a native speaker. Other multimedia programs make use of Automatic Speech Recognition (ASR) software to diagnose learners' errors, e.g. Tell Me More Pro by Auralog: Most CALL programs under development today fall into the category of multimedia CALL. See ICT4LT Module 2.2, Introduction to multimedia CALL:

Web-based CALL
In 1992 the World Wide Web was launched, reaching the general public in 1993. The Web offers enormous potential in language learning and teaching, but it has some way to go before it catches up with the interactivity and speed of access offered by CD-ROMs or DVDs, especially when accessing sound and video files. For this reason, Felix (2001:190) advises adopting hybrid approaches to CALL, integrating CD-ROMs and the Web and running audio conferencing and video conferencing in conjunction with Web activities. The Web Enhanced Language Learning (WELL) project, which has been funded under the FDTL programme of the HEFCE, aims to promote wider awareness and more effective use of the Web for teaching modern languages across higher education in the UK. The WELL website provides access to high-quality Web resources in a number of different languages, selected and described by subject experts, plus information and examples on how to use them for teaching and learning:
See also the following ICT4LT modules:
1.5 Introduction to the Internet
2.3 Exploiting World Wide Web resources online and offline
3.2 Creating a World Wide Web site

CALL authoring programs
CALL authoring programs offer a do-it-yourself approach to CALL. They were originally developed to enable programmers to simplify the entry of data provided by language teachers. Modern CALL authoring programs are designed to be used by language teachers who have no knowledge of computer programming. Typical examples are authoring packages that automatically generate a set of pre-set activities for the learner, e.g. Camsoft's Fun with Texts (Camsoft) and The Authoring Suite (Wida Software). Generic packages such as Macromedia's Director( are more sophisticated and enable the user to create a full-blown course, but they are probably too complex for most language teachers and are best suited to the template approach to authoring, as described in ICT4LT Module 3.2, CALL software design and implementation: Web authoring packages are also available, e.g. Hot Potatoes software: See ICT4LT Module 2.5,Introduction to CALL authoring programs. See also Bickerton (1999) and Bickerton, Stenton & Temmermann (2001).

Professional associations for CALL
An increasing number of professional associations devoted to CALL are emerging worldwide. The older associations are grouped together under WorldCALL, which is in the process of establishing itself as an umbrella association of associations. WorldCALL held its first conference at the University of Melbourne in 1998, and the second WorldCALL conference will take place in Banff, Canada, 2003: The current professional associations represented in WorldCALL are:
EUROCALL: The leading European professional association for CALL. The ReCALL journal is published by Cambridge University Press on behalf of EUROCALL:
CERCLES: The European Confederation of Language Centres in Higher Education. CERCLES embraces a similar constituency to IALLT in North America.
CALICO: The leading North American professional association for CALL. Publishes the CALICO Journal:
IALLT: International Association for Language Learning Technology, based in North America: IALLT publishes the IALLT Journal of Language Learning Technologies and embraces a similar constituency to CERCLES in Europe.
CCALL/ACELAO: Currently in the process of establishing itself as a formal professional association in Canada. No website is available at present.
LLA: The Language Laboratory Association of Japan, also known as LET, which now embraces a wider range of language learning technologies:.
ATELL: The Australian Association for Technology Enhanced Language Learning consortium: ATELL used to publish On-CALL, which has now merged with CALL-EJ (Japan).

Suppliers of CALL materials
There are two general suppliers of CALL software in the UK:
Wida Software:
There is a comprehensive database that list the range of software titles, producers and suppliers:
BECTA Educational Software Database:
In addition to the journals published by professional associations for CALL, the following are also available:
Related links
CALL-EJ Online 
CALL-EJ (Japan) merged with On-CALL (Australia) and became CALL-EJ Online in May 1999.
CALL Journal
Lisse, Netherlands: Swets & Zeitlinger
C&IT Centre CALL bibliography
This is a comprehensive bibliography of CALL publications, including other bibliographies on the Web.
The C&IT Centre is part of the LTSN Subject Centre for Languages, Linguistics and Area Studies
Graham Davies's Favourite Websites.
ICT4LT Resource Centre bibliography
The ICT4LT Resource Centre includes a comprehensive bibliography and other Web links
Referencing this article
Below are the possible formats for citing Good Practice Guide articles. If you are writing for a journal, please check the author instructions for full details before submitting your article.
·         MLA style:
Canning, John.
 "Disability and Residence Abroad". Southampton, 2004. Subject Centre for Languages, Linguistics and Area Studies Guide to Good Practice. 7 October 2008.
·         Author (Date) style:
Canning, J. (2004).
 "Disability and residence abroad." Subject Centre for Languages, Linguistics and Area Studies Good Practice Guide. Retrieved 7 October 2008, from

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