(LP 1)
BC 1.1
SD/MI | : | |
Subject/Topic | : | English/ solar system |
Class/ Semester | : | X / 1 |
Standard Competence | : | 1. Understanding about solar system. |
Basic competence | : |
Indicator | : |
Text type | : | Text interpersonal |
Skill | : | Speaking and writing |
Time Alocation | : | 2x 45 minutes |
A. Purpose
Introduce students to planetary research and familiarize them with the planets and their features.
B. Materials
Computers wired for Internet access, with one computer for every two-three students.Student journals or notebook paper for each student. Student worksheets and questionnaires (provided in this lesson - printable as HTML or PDF formatted files).
C. Metode/ Teknik : Audio Visual Methode
D. Steps
- Assign students to their computer work stations.
- Review proper computer use procedures.
- Give students instructions for Part I - Observing Images. Remind them to follow directions and to record observations in their scientific journals.
- Students concern to LCD
- Provide further instruction if necessary and answer any questions or concerns that arise.
- Assign the sections of the site/lesson that the students are to cover during the allotted time period:
- One class period: Students do Part I - Observing Images of the self-guided lesson.
- One class period: Students do Part II - The Researcher’s Description of the self-guided lesson.
- One class period: Students do Part III - Summary of the self-guided lesson.
Note: The Student Questionnaire and Answer Key may be used as an assessment at the end of the lesson.
E. Resources
Use a large screen projection system for the computer, a large TV monitor, or books with large planetary images.
F. Scores
a. Technique : writing test
b. Procedure : Introduce the concept of making and using a scientific journal. Stress the importance of careful observation and descriptive written notes (images of planets), during the lesson
c. Type : essay
d. Curriculum coordinate :
1. Write a news article on a planet, the historical implications, and background of its discovery.
2. After researching and writing the article shorten it for presentation in a 30 second “TV” news broadcast to the class (visual aids optional).
3. Students research examples of planetary imagery and its incorporation into famous works of art or expressions in cultural events.
Siti Nurhasanah 200912500670
Shinta Sulistyorini 200912501211
Sugito Purnomo 200912500491
Andy Randy 200912500847
Ignolinsiasus Subiasy 200912500766
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